Cattiness is a charade of wittiness. Wit is a multifaceted prism, magnifying several levels of whichever subject it's applied to. While all things do have shortcomings, cattiness' focus on only that one negative aspect is akin to replacing the complex aroma of a gourmet kitchen with a scratch-n-sniff sticker. It's flat. It's fake. It kind of gets the idea across, in the least comprehensive and incredibly lazy way possible.
But it is not only the social norm but the social expectation now to guise humor in the cloak of catty bullshit. It is also the social norm for women to be "crazy" and black people to be "lazy". So much weight is put into the belief of what's cool for the current time that we lose strength in holding up those things which should be the heaviest; those of obliterating ignorance through actual social discourse. That weight is an opportunity for true wit to shine, as discussion can be grown from the seeds of humor.
Yours truly,
A hopeless romantic
April 1, 2014