Cast iron, acrylic paint, November 2013
For sale - make offer to bricolaur@gmail.com

Foam, plaster, Aqua Resin, wood, metal, spraypaint.
Content description in side view
For sale - make offer to bricolaur@gmail.com

Mixed media, 2015
Luring the viewer into its embrace; distracting with beautiful, multi-faceted eyes creature is ready for the chance to snare into a web of baseness and objectification. A previously devoured victim comes out digested, blinded and choking on snakes.

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Installation, garbage bags and filament, 2016
SCAD ACA Gallery, 15th and Arts Center Way, Atlanta

Site-specific Installation
Plastic, fabric, clip lights, 2016
Hallway of SCAD ACA Sculpture Studio

Site-specific Installation
Plastic, fabric, clip lights, 2016
Hallway of SCAD ACA Sculpture Studio

Donated entry for Melrose & McQueen Annual Mannequin Challenge
Progress picture
Mixed media

Donated entry for Melrose & McQueen Annual Mannequin Challenge
Mixed media

Over Home: Found figure, mixed media, 2016
Down the Drain: Dolls, toilet, 2016
Kibbee Gallery, Atlanta

Hand-rolled cigarette butts, mixed media, 2016
20” x 24”
Kibbee Gallery, Atlanta

Foam, wood, steel, plaster, paint, 2015
Read from right to left, the greyscale blocks indicate the state of the audience as a comedian goes through a joke. The blocks begin misaligned, the red and blue bursts represent puns/punch-ups as the joke progresses, by the end the blocks are lined up and ready, which is when the big punchline occurs.

Cast stainless steel, fiberboard, wood, belt, spraypaint, 2013
Temporary dimensions

Small installation, consists of three pieces: "Waster", "Down the Drain", and "Toilet Trained"

Found painting, mixed media, 2015
Try and succeed or try and fail, all too often the efforts of women are viewed as useless/”a waste of time and resources”

Found objects, steel, resin, 2015
Communicates the societal construct that girls are disposable while boys are worthy investments. The girl body lacks identifying clothing and features fortifying the concept of unimportance. The toys on the sink are stereotypically male, indicating an allowance for frivolity and identity for men; these luxurious toys are poised over the head of the girl to heighten the contrast of the treatment differences of boys and girls.

Recycled toilet, doll head, water, 2015
Speaks to the potential of young girls being pissed on and flushed by the societal priority placed on men's needs.

Self-Reflect: Mixed media, 2016
UterMe's: Ceramic, yarn, paint, 2016
Kibbee Gallery, Atlanta

Donated entry for Melrose & McQueen Annual Mannequin Challenge
Mixed media. 2016
4’ x 5’