2 by Laura Lewis

The surrealist idea of tapping into the subconscious was a critical step in our ever-evolving breadth of awareness. What was once the uncomfortable sleeper's hallway of the lower mind has become familiar; we all have loose application of dream imagery to waking life. Dali is no longer shocking. Picasso has become commonplace. Freud is a fraud.

Familiarity brings comfort and a desire to stay within the constraints of one's own mind built on one's own limited experience. There is an opportunity to let consciousness pass via our subconscious to the infinite worlds beyond. Scratching on the door of the subconscious is the insistent pet of purpose, determined to seek all spaces until it finds its master.

We own this pet and often don't understand what the big deal is. We have become so deeply attached not only to material possessions but also to our actual physical bodies and minute blips of lifetimes that we have forgotten our connection with eternity. Awareness comes in shattered waves, dissipates rapidly and rushes back into the mysterious sea of knowledge so quickly we question whether there was any awareness at all, perhaps we are only fooling ourselves for comfort.

Our spiritual receptors have unevolved through clogging with fleeting bandwidths and useless wavelengths. Our individual memory capacity is slimming out across the ever-growing network of brainstem servers, we are making the future obsolete. The vastness of knowledge contained within the flashdrives of human minds, we are a living backup drive of all universal data, we are being downgraded from supercomputers. Some individuals get full current download of the universe, which completely overloads all systems and leaves them babbling on the street, begging for the basest, most primitive of life for it is all that still computes.

Civilization gets glimpses, bits of data, sections of belief, coupled with the properties of civilization which contain the sects of separation disallowing cooperation in constructing the big picture. What if everyone is right? What divides us is physical. What connects us is our physical programming. The same hallway. The same door. The same trip on the sailboat of forever.