#$%#! celebrates diversity of subject, media, and idea. The body and its fragility, the importance or futility of art making, memory, experience, chance, control, and time are all ideas presented in the exhibition. Technically, Two Pounds features equally varying disciplines and styles including painting, sculpture, printmaking, and installation. And it is in that contrast of ideas where #$%#! provides the opportunity for new connections to be made, and new ideas to form. #$%#! does not hide from disparity, but instead embraces it.
Featuring work from:
Katie Beall
Rachel Braun
Abby Bullard
Kat Cockey
Natalie Cranor
Nicolas Figueroa
Evan Jones
Brian Kendall
LS Lewis
Jules Miller
Keneth Murray
Libbie Paull
Amanda Grae Platner
Nikky Stewart
Melina Taylor
Lauren Brooke Wright